Wednesday 28 May 2014

Google's driverless car: Look ma, no steering wheel. OMG... NO BRAKES

Mountain View said it is as of now making models that will work "securely and self-sufficiently without obliging human mediation". 

It is so certain about the tech it is trying in the autos that it has tore out controls recognizable to those of you who invest time driving a vehicle. 

Google is currently constructing an armada of 100 models that come stacked with a screen demonstrating the course, a begin catch and what is essentially a sacred poop stop-now frenzy switch. 

The electric-fueled car, which has its speed topped at 25mph (something like 40kmph), is a fat, squat, hopeless looking auto. The front configuration accompanies a human-like face with a thousand yard gaze and a gritted-teeth smile...........Read More

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